Basic Fire Safety Course – RoSPA approved

Fire may be the biggest risk to life that workers may encounter in the workplace. It is surprising that, so few people have any idea about the common causes of fire. It is also important that people are aware of how to deal with fire and how to escape safely from a scene should a fire start.

This course addresses the common causes of fire, how to deal with a fire and how to evacuate in a fire scenario.

Employers are legally responsible for both fire prevention and the safe evacuation of employees and visitors in the event of a fire.

Successful completion of this course could mean the difference between life and death

Target Audience

New starters

Existing employees requiring refresher training

Course Aims

This course ensures that employees have the necessary knowledge to take their part in cooperating with their employer in the implementation of fire safety in the workplace


  • Employer and employee responsibility
  • Fire risk and flammable substances
  • Fire risk and electricity
  • Good housekeeping
  • Fire doors
  • Correct use of fire extinguishers
  • Safe evacuation procedures
  • Action if trapped by a fire
  • Dealing with fire casualties


On successful completion of the course a certificate of completion can be downloaded

Course Duration

45 minutes

Course fees

£25.00 per licence. Discounts available on purchases in multiples of 10 licences or more. Email us for more information

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