Environmental Statement of Intent

AFCC Limited is a responsible company and continuously seeks to minimise its impact on the environment. The company seeks constantly to improve its environmental performance by reducing its negative impact on the environment. The company delivers real benefits and results to its customers and one of its aims is to do the same to the environment.

We aim to minimise the impact that our operations have on the environment and to prevent pollution wherever possible. For those operations that are office / premises based we are committed to reducing our waste streams, increasing our recycling schemes and reduce wastage of utility supplies

For those operations where we are required to attend client premises we will endeavour to ensure so far as is practicable that journeys are properly planned to ensure less mileage is covered where possible. We will also aim to ensure that all vehicles are kept under planned preventative maintenance programmes and that they are at optimum working condition at all times to avoid or reduce emissions

Where financially possible we will ensure that all vehicles used on company business are of the best available standard on the market to reduce environmental impact from their use whether these are owned or leased

We are committed to managing our procurement functions and supply chains pro-actively and in such a way as to deliver environmental benefits alongside financial ones by developing better and more efficient relationships with suppliers and wherever possible clients.

As a minimum we will comply with all applicable legal environmental requirements and our aim shall be to continuously reach standards above these requirements and industry standards

Wherever practical we will respond to environmental concerns raised by our clients, suppliers and any other relevant interested parties in a swift manner

We will endeavour to raise environmental awareness with our staff and the ways in which their actions can contribute to achieving the company’s environmental objectives

As Director, I will set the company’s environmental targets and objectives, which shall be reviewed quarterly.

Results will be communicated to all members of staff and published on our website

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